At various times in the past I've indicated that one of the projects I've been building for is a special mission involving a Spetsnaz attack on a Harrier hide. To finalise all the things I needed for the mission I had to finish a second Harrier GR.3 and a couple of British vehicles. Well I have all the vehicles now - just the matter of painting them up - and I've finished my second Harrier.
I am to get this mission and all the bits and peices that go into it, ready to be played in the next month or two - well before Christmas anyway.
I wanted the second Harrier to look different to the first one (that appeared in my very first post - I think)so I looked into some of the different weapon options available to the GR.3. I quickly decided that I wanted to go with a couple of Laser Guided Bombs. In reality this would mean that one of the Aden gun pods would be removed and replaced with a very similar looking laser designation pod - so I as able to simply leave the gun pods on the model as is.
As luck would have it I had to entertain the son of one of my wife's friends for a couple of days so we went down to my local hobby store and bought a couple of Airfix kits to make up together. He choose a Bucanneer - which came with two LGB. Once I managed to convince him that he really didn't need them, I was able to put them aside to add to the Harrier.
So without further ado - here it is
Second Harrier GR.3 in side profile
Now a couple of shots of the two Harriers together (just to prove I didn't cheat and redo the first one!)
No video links today - I think I nabbed all the best ones on my previous Harrier post - so if you want to check those out - go to the very first post.
Thanks and have fun
They look way cool! The idea of having them as a centre piece of a raid is inspired!