08 March 2025

Some West German vehicles

So like I said in the previous post a mate had sent me a few West German bits and bobs to paint for him - for which I got some very nice goodies in return - and due to a range of circumstances which I won't bore you with I was, strangely enough, able to knock them over fairly quickly.  The photos were quickly taken before the vehicles were packaged up and stuffed into my suitcase!

I was also able to try out a couple of things, including using my airbrush, so was generally pretty happy with the finished product.  Over a black spray undercoat I used Vallejo Air Colour NATO Green for the base coat and Tamiya NATO Black and NATO Brown for the cam colours.  I then did a black pin wash, used the Vallejo Air NATO Green as a dry brush, and then Vallejo MC Black Grey and VMC Flat Brown as the drybrush colours for the Tamiya cam colours.  Hope that all makes sense.

These first two are BobMack 3D prints of the Jaguar 1 with HOT ATGM fired under armour.  I was super impressed with these prints which were incredibly crisp and detailed.  Both designer and printer ought to be congratulated.  I added cam netting to one of them - all the other detail is simply an excellent model.

These next two are BobMack 3D prints of the Jaguar 2 with TOW ATGM.  Again - quite lovely printed, full of character and detail.  Again I added cam netting to one of them.  The TOW system shows excellent detail.

The last two are Hobbyden M113G with the MG mounts and the Milan mounts not added, due the likelihood of them breaking during travel.  Again I added netting too each of these and I think they came out looking great.

So that's it for now.  I'm slowly getting back into the swing of life and I hope to make a big dent into the unpainted and unbuilt stash of shame this year.



11 February 2025

West German AFV Data Cards - An updated version

 Hi All.  Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while.  It's been a bit of a crap summer and I haven't had much time, energy or most importantly the right head space to deal with any gaming.  I have done a bit of useful reading - which has led me to make some changes to my helicopter and aircraft rules - and I'm currently working on a new design for Army Lists.  

Recently a mate has just sent me some lovely 3D printed Jaguar 1 & 2s which was the push I needed to complete this little side project (as in a good excuse to put off some painting!)

So just like the US 9ID Data cards, I had a bit of fun including some speculative AFVs in this West German set.

So here they are:

West German AFV Data Cards

You can also find them at the Data Cards Tab at the top of the page.  I've left the original West German Cards there as well.  Please have a look at the new set and let me know if you find and mistakes or have any queries.

