I'm a total fan of doing things the easy way and love the concept of buying pre-built and pre-painted models. All-in-all I was very impressed with these guys. Well built, nice and hefty in the hand, and feel solid - good for wargaming in other words. Only fragile things are the gun and the aerial - which I managed on one model to break off (the former) and bend (the latter) in my impatience to get them out of their boxes. No one's fault but my own.
This is how they are supposed to look:

Mine looked a little like this - but someone had gone a bit heavy with the "Boltgun Metal" drybrush, which kind of covered each tank. At first I thought I could live with it - and then I decided I couldn't. I tried to drybrush Vallejo Russian Green over the silver, but it wasn't dark enough, so I ended up giving the silver a heavy drybrush of Vallejo Dark Green before going back to Russian Green. I then added a bit of Vallejo German Cam Beige and gave each tank successively light brushs.
I also painted the canvas mantlet cover using Vallejo Khaki, a Citadel Devlan Mud wash and then more Khaki highlights.
The Forces of Valor T-72 tanks are a little smaller than the Revell T-72 tanks.
Here is how mine turned out:

I'm happy with these - and wishing I picked up at least 1 more!
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