28 June 2016

Soviet Military Policeman - by Elhiem Figures

Recently I've had a concentrate on WWII so have not had much of a chance to work on any Cold War stuff - so I thought I'd like to paint something a bit different for a change - and decided to tackle Elhiem Figures Soviet Military Policeman.

Fortunately - Matt's great little figure is fairly similar to the Ron Volstad illustration of a Soviet MP is Steven Zaloga's Osprey classic "Inside the Soviet Army Today".  Bear in mind, by today we mean 1987!  Here is the pic:

And here is my guy:

Please ignore his zombie-like face - not sure what that's all about, but I swear he doesn't look quite so "dead" in real life....  I might just re-visit his face at some point.

So - no idea if I'll ever use him in a game.  I do have MP units in my lists which have the "Rear Area Security" special ability - which allows you once a game ro re-roll a reserves/re-inforcements roll.  If I want to field that unit I need to paint up 3 more MPs...  I can see that happening now!




  1. Have them at a cross road directing traffic when NATO SF or Western Guerrilla's attack a supply, HQ or artillery convoy as it moves to the front.

  2. That is a great idea- may I ask which pack he came from?



  3. Yes - I'm sure I can organise a scenario that involves him. He comes from CWR10n Soviet HQ set B.


  4. 1987? Hell, I thought it was still 1979! Lovely paint job - I really must bodge of a similar Comrade in 1/32 scale.

  5. Very nice, lovely steady hand for the stripes around his wrist, mine always turn out wonky.

    Cheers, Andy

  6. great work - the zombie like face made me chuckle, I didn't notice until you pointed it out!!! Photos do often bring out the faults. But it looks great!

  7. Thanks guys - I verymuch appreciate the positive feedback.

