11 February 2025

West German AFV Data Cards - An updated version

 Hi All.  Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while.  It's been a bit of a crap summer and I haven't had much time, energy or most importantly the right head space to deal with any gaming.  I have done a bit of useful reading - which has led me to make some changes to my helicopter and aircraft rules - and I'm currently working on a new design for Army Lists.  

Recently a mate has just sent me some lovely 3D printed Jaguar 1 & 2s which was the push I needed to complete this little side project (as in a good excuse to put off some painting!)

So just like the US 9ID Data cards, I had a bit of fun including some speculative AFVs in this West German set.

So here they are:

West German AFV Data Cards

You can also find them at the Data Cards Tab at the top of the page.  I've left the original West German Cards there as well.  Please have a look at the new set and let me know if you find and mistakes or have any queries.




  1. I am not quite sure if the HMG Pintle for the M113 G Führungs- und Funkpanzer is correct I think a MG pintle would be the right thing.

    1. Good pick up. I've fixed it now in the source document and will update the file shortly. Thanks. Richard
