17 July 2024

M1 Tank Platoon

 OK - so in the end I haven't made any changes to these models.  I decided that I wouldn't weather them for now as I don't have the right decals and getting them seems more expensive than it's worth, as once I put them on, they'll get covered by mud & dirt etc anyway.  So I don't really know what to do there.

Regarding turret markings, after asking the question on a few different facebook groups, the markings I really like seem to have been exercise or road-march only.  They were to be whipped off the moment hostilities started.  I still like them, so one day I might add them anyway.  Not for now though...

So here's the finished platoon:

Now the Platoon Commander's Section:

Now the Platoon Sergeant's Section:

And some shots of individual tanks:

Guess which one I stuffed up!

Anyway - that's enough for now.  M2 Bradley's up next.



1 comment:

  1. You could use the exercise markings you like, and if challenged by a rivet-counter, claim that the unit was an emergency deployment with no time to repaint.
