09 January 2016

S&S Models - VW Iltis - Work-in-Progress - Part 2

Alrighty - so on with the Iltis show...

The next step was to undercoat each Iltis in black (I use Citadel Chaos Black generally) and then I gave it a basecoat of Olive Gelb.  I decided to use the Olive Gelb colour as these Iltis's are meant to be older vehicles - which have not been painted in the newer NATO 3-tone cam colours.  I used a Tamiya Spray - TS-70 Olive Drab JGSDF.

So why use a Japanese defence Force colour on a West German Iltis.  Well - first of all I like sprays as a basecoat and I use Tamiya sprays quite a lot - and will have to until someone like PSC or Battlefront come out with a suitable West German Olive Gelb colour.

Secondly - after quite a bit of research I felt that this colour gave me what I think is a reasonable intrpretation of Olive Gelb.  It also matchs the Vallejo Military Colour 892 Yellow Olive.  Now you may think its a bit to dark - or a bit to green - and I respect that.  This colour works for me and I'm happy with it.

So the vehicles were sprayed

You can see I've removed the MG3 mount.  It will return at a later date.

So the next step was to black wash or black line the Iltis's with VGC 73.201 Black Shade and then drybruch them with VMC 892 Yellow Olive.  I then added a little VMC 988 Khaki and drybrushed again.  I re-drybrushed twice more - each time with a bit more Khaki added.

The wheels, lights, indicators, seats and steering wheels were picked out in their appropriate colurs.

I removed the steering wheel from the Iltis with the raised wind-screen (my CO's vehicle) and added an Elhiem driver.

So now they were game ready:

Funnily enough in those 2 photos you can see how a slightly different angle on the light gives the Olive Gelb a different colour.

Anyway - not 100% finished - but good enough for a game and can now be finalised at leisure...

Up next - an after action report featuring an outing be the Soviet Naval Infantry.




  1. Very nice work. Nice additions to an early German force.



  2. Thanks Pete - yeah - they do the job nicely

