05 January 2014

Scenes from the Cold War - The Farm

Time for a few more terrain pieces.  These are all cardboard and are either from Superquick or from Metcalfe Models.  As I've stated before I've tried to get kits that would work in West Germany - at least the 1980's West Germany of my imagination.

So first up a SuperQuick building I've shown before - but now with a purpose built base.

Here is a photo of the base:

Metcalfe do a very nice set of a large barn and some out buildings:

From left to right that is meant to be a small hen house, cow milking area attached to large barn, the large barn, a sileage pit and a large hen house.

The sileage in the silage pit was simply made by cutting a peice of polystrene to size and then covering it with a peice cut from a black bin bag.  I need to get some toy car wheels and add a few spread around on top to complete the scene.

Added together it looks like this:

And in some Cold War combat scenes like this:

More on the figures in the 3 photos in the near future.

That's all for now.  Have fun


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