
23 May 2012

Imperial War Museum Cold War Films

Whilst trying to find something else (of course) I recently stumbled across a cache of British films in the Imperial War Museum video archive that is worth sharing.

The majority of the films are unedited and come from Exercise Iron Hammer held in West Germany in 1988.

Previously I had a selection of links here but I have decided to reduce it to one as all the videos running at once made my site unstable:

I suggest you have a decent look around here or elsewhere on the Imperial War Museum's Collections for more excellent videos.

Have fun...



  1. Many thanks for using these, you are the first person ever to embed our films and that gives me a warm feeling! I'm thrilled you found them and shared them with your visitors.
    All the best, Jeremy (technical web manager at IWM)

  2. Thanks for posting these - I was particularly thrilled to see a Bren still in use as an AA weapon! Great stuff.

  3. Thanks for the comments guys - particularly chuffed to be the first person ever to embed films from the Imperial War Museum. Very cool!

